University Application Letter

Thomas White,
586, Baldwin Park,
June 07, 2011

California University,

Dear Sir/Madam,

Sub- Application for the admission in three year graduation course

I would like to make application for the admission in three year graduation course of your university. I have already appeared the entrance test of your university and cleared the same with eligible marks. I have also completed my schooling successfully from Baldwin Public School.

I have attached duly filled application form with this letter which you can use for the admission process and also attached the copies of essential documents as required for the admission.

If required I am also ready to provide recommendation letters from known professors of your university. I hope that you will give due consideration to my application and would easily provide the admission in your university.

I would appreciate your prompt reply.

Thanking You,
Yours faithfully,
Thomas White
University Application Letter University Application Letter Reviewed by SGMoviesHD on September 15, 2018 Rating: 5

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