1. Why was Jimmy Valentine sent to Prison?
1. Why was Jimmy Valentine sent to Prison?
Jimmy Valentine was sent to prison for his burglary at Springfield.
2. How did Jimmy Valentine get his pardon?
The warden handed Jimmy his pardon, which had been signed that morning by the governor.
3. What was the warden ‘s advice to Valentine?
The warden advised Jimmy to stop breaking safes and live an honest life.
Who was Ben Price? How did his collar button happen to be in Valentine’s room?
Ben Price was the detective who investigated the robberies committed by Jimmv. Ben Price’s collar button had been torn from his shirt band when he had overpowered Jimmy to arrest him.
5. What did Valentine’s suitcase contain?
Valentine’s suitcase contained the finest set of burglar’s tools in the whole eastern part of the U.S.A. They cost him over nine hundred dollars.
How did Ben Price conclude that Jimmy Valentine had resumed business?
Ben Price investigated the scenes of robberies. By comparing bank notes, he noticed a remarkable similarity in the methods of the burglaries and concluded that Jimmy Valentine had resumed business.
7. What was the transformation that Jimmy Valentine underwent at Elmore?
At Elmore, Jimmy Valentine became Ralph Spencer and at the end of a year he had won the respect of the community, his store flourished, and he and Annabel were engaged to be married in two weeks.
Do you think valentine went to Elmore to go into shoe business? What made him think of starting a shoe store?
Valentine’s intention was to stop over in the town a few days and look over the situation. He had fallen in love with Annabel Adams and this made him think of starting a shoe store at Elmore.
Why did Valentine write to his old friend in St. Louis ? What did he want the friend to do?
Valentine was making an honest living and he was going to marry Annabel in two weeks from then. Hence he had left his old business of burglary. Valentine wanted his old friend to come at Sullivan’s place in Little Rock, the following Wednesday night, at 9 O’ clock to receive the set of tools of burglary.
10. Why did Ben Price go to Elmore?
Ben Price went to Elmore to take into custody Valentine for a number of burglaries committed by him a year ago.
11. What was the new acquisition of Elmore Bank?
The Elmore Bank had acquired a new safe and vault. The vault had a new, patented door which fastened with three solid steel bolts thrown simultaneously with a single handle, and had a time-lock.
12. What happened to Agatha? Why was it very serious?
Unseen by the elders, May, the nine-year-old girl, in a spirit of play had shut Agatha in the vault. It was very serious because the clock hadn’t been wound nor the combination set.
13. Why do you think Ralph Spencer asked for the rose Annabel was wearing ?
Ralph Spencer was becoming Jimmy Valentine once again and he felt that he was no more worthy of Annabel’s love. He asked for rose as a symbol of her love.
14. How did Valentine save Agatha?
Valentine saved Agatha by opening the door of the vault with his drill and other tools of burglary,
15. What did Ben Price do? Why do you think he did so?
Ben Price had been closely watching Valentine and he concluded that Valentine was living an honest life. So he did not want arrest him and make him a. burglar again and hence he turned and walked down the street.
Reviewed by SGMoviesHD
August 25, 2018

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